Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today I received 4 baby opossums. I think they are about 8 to 9 weeks old. Their eyes are still closed. The mother opossum was hit by a car. A kind, elderly gentleman (who doesn't own a car and walks everywhere) was brave enough to check her pouch and found 9 babies! Two were already dead, and another three died before he could get them to me. But I'm cautiously optimistic that the four left will make it. I was able to get some fluids into them tonight with my trusty catac nipple and 1cc syringe.
I've never handled opossums before. They are really weird. They have thumbs on their back feet and prehensile tails. They look like little monkeys. I really hope they survive so I can learn more about them. They are the only marsupial species in North America.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Our vole is doing very well! She is almost full grown. The arm in this picture and video belongs to my 7 year-old daughter, Cami. She helps take care of Squeaks.